
Case Studies

Consulting services

Case Study #1 | Frac On-site Testing

A Permian Based Operator started a produced water recycling program for their hydraulic fracturing operations. GeoKimika personnel performed a process audit and on-site testing during hydraulic fracturing operations to identify gaps. GeoKimika’s on-site consultants improved treatment program, resulting in a 30% cost-savings on chemicals to the Operator.

Case Study #2 | On-site Friction Testing

A Permian based operator had performed pre-job testing in the lab to determine field trial candidates with best compatibility in 100% produced water. However, during fracturing operations, high friction pressures limited the ability to use more than 25% produced water. GeoKimika evaluated the products on-site and determined why performance did not meet previous lab testing results. Based on findings, GeoKimika was asked to recommend ideal candidate for a field trial. The recommended product showed reduced chemical usage by 50% and allowed them to use 100% produced water.2

Case Study #3 | Water Monitoring to Optimize Friction Reducer Performance

A major operator in the Permian Basin had on-going fracturing operations with a new source of recycled water. They were faced with higher friction pressures, limiting their ability to achieve rate, and target stages per day. It was believed that water treatment processes were affecting performance, however the water company’s result showed all KPI’s being met. GeoKimika implemented a water and testing protocol and continues to support all recycled water fracs for this operator, ensuring the right friction reducer is used for the current water source.

Case Study #4 | Product Validation Testing

A client had a product that required formulation and testing support to generate marketing and application data. They lacked an in-house laboratory to generate performance data and to determine potential applications. Additionally, they had an existing client interested in using their product if it met specific criteria. GeoKimika generated unbiased data using general industry test methods and product application expertise. As a contract project, the timeline for results could also be fast-tracked to provide the required data with a quicker turnaround.


Water treatment programs prevent fouling and corrosion during mill-out treatments

World Oil Magazine – November 2018.
On-site mobile lab testing identifies variables that contribute to mill-out water fouling, contamination, and equipment corrosion.

Can Proppant Transport be Negatively Affected by Too Much Viscosity?

SPE-194317-MS – SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition, 5-7 February 2019

This paper provides insight into the need for development of standardized test criteria for HVFR selection. It identifies methodology for testing and screening of HVFR’s to help increase the understanding of key factors influencing sand transport and their effect on proppant pack conductivity.

Prevent Fouling and Corrosion During Mill-Out Operations: Permian Case Studies

SPE-194235-MS – SPE/ICoTA Well Intervention Conference and Exhibition, 26-27 March 2019

Case studies of on-site mobile lab testing during mill-out operations in the Permian Basin which evaluated chemical programs and processes used.